Your business new years’ resolutions; pick one, pick them all.
Clean up your books and do, at a minimum, quarterly statements. It’s not that hard and gives you guidance for the next quarter. And, you will be able to sell you business efficiently when the time comes.
Review your list of employees. Do you need them? Get rid of the toxic ones and invest in building up the ones who bring value to your business.
Are you retailing? Get on-line in some way. Everyone can sell on Amazon. Get a social media presence. I use Hootsuite, and it isn’t as time-consuming as you would think. Every tweet and post increase the likelihood of search engines to notice you.
Update all the pages on your website.
Get in touch with your lawyer and get your business cleaned up from a legal perspective. Don’t have one? Call us.
Open an account for your estimated tax bill at the end of the year and automatically transfer funds at the percentage you anticipate.
Delete personal social media feeds on your business computers. You can’t always control your employees, but you can control yourself. It’s a distraction that takes away from your productivity.
Take your accountant for lunch and get their perspective on how to improve your business.
Get a strategic wealth plan. Call us for a referral.
Endeavor to restructure your business in the most tax-efficient way possible. You might need to spend a bit to do this, but oh so worth it.
Your employees and customers are more engaged if they are entertained. Find three ways to inject some fun into your business. Make it an experience.