April 30, 2024
You have likely poured years or decades of money, worry and sweat into the business. You probably have the majority of your wealth invested in it. When you exit, you need to know that whatever amount you sell it for will be sufficient to support you and your family as you transition to the next stage of your life. To navigate this complex process effectively, you need a team of experienced professionals by your side, and at the helm of this team, a quarterback to lead the way. In short, when you sell, you want to get it right.
In short, your quarterback is an intermediary charged with ensuring that everyone on your team is working together and moving in the right direction: towards the goal line. Their job is to ensure that all the players are indeed functioning as a team, and they will represent your interests from start to finish.
Your quarterback should understand your business as well – if not better – than you do. They should be armed with objective data, such as information about recent and similar prior transactions to the one you hope to complete. It also helps if they have been pharmacist-owners themselves and have successfully sold their own pharmacy.
Experience matters. And you might be surprised how many “experts” there are out there who have little experience in helping pharmacist-owners. It’s not just about understanding the process; it’s about anticipating challenges, leveraging opportunities, and ultimately ensuring a smooth transition for you. In an industry where each transaction is unique and nuanced, having a seasoned perspective can make all the difference.
Look for relevant credentials, such as an advanced business degree or certification in negotiation or business valuation. A background in corporate law, financial accounting or tax is an asset. Just as important are your quarterback’s soft skills, in particular the ability to actively listen—in particular, to you.
Your team quarterback should be equipped with the technical ability to process and protect your information. But beyond IT, their support infrastructure should include a designated backup person who is kept apprised of the sale process and can step in at any point—for instance, if the QB gets sick or takes a vacation.
Your team quarterback must represent you and only you. They act in your interest exclusively, not those of the buyer or anyone else. They must not accept payment or incentive in any from the buyer. (You would be surprised how often this happens.) And they should never contemplate violating legal or ethical principles when they represent
Your quarterback’s level of sophistication with regard to negotiations and the overall sale process should be at least on par with that of your potential buyer. Before beginning that process, they should be ready with an evidence-based valuation of your business. And they should be able to develop and recommend several approaches to selling your pharmacy. As well as, explaining the potential benefits and risks of each approach to you thoroughly and knowledgeably.
A good transition team quarterback is a bit of a unicorn—a rare beast, indeed. When you have decided to prepare to sell, finding the right one for you should be a top priority. So, do your homework, and do it early. The benefits of having the right leader on your team will far outweigh the time you put into finding them or the cost of hiring them.