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Pharmacy Business Services

Why do our clients choose us?


~Max Beairsto, BSc. Pharm., MBA, CVA – Founder

Max Beairsto

At EVCOR, we understand that the pharmacy business is complex. That’s why we provide tailored services and expertise to help achieve maximum value and secure pharmacy owners’ financial future. Our professional team of advisors work with our clients every step of the way, whether it’s for a valuation, optimization plan, exit strategy or transaction. Reach out today and schedule a complimentary discovery call to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

Below, you will see our main services, business valuation, exit strategy, value enhancement, and sale advisory, but our value proposition is how we deliver these services. Using an integrated approach, we help our clients through their entire ownership timeline.

What is the integrated approach?

The activities a pharmacy owner engages in to drive profitability, lower risk and increase cash flow over the short term are ultimately the same activities that will make the business more valuable in the long run. But, it takes a team of advisors to help accomplish all of these goals. The problem we have identified, however, is that pharmacy owners need more time to quarterback all of their advisors to achieve their financial management tasks efficiently. This is where EVCOR comes in. You will need legal, accounting, exit strategy, tax, business management, and other advice through your ownership timeline. All the professionals you engage must be able to communicate aspects of this advice to each other. Whether we are involved in helping you buy a pharmacy, provide exit strategy advice, optimize your operations, or help you sell your store, we ensure that our activities and those of others are communicated effectively to all your advisors.

Integrated Approach
Business Service Page

Your ownership timeline

The depth and type of advice you need to effectively manage your pharmacy business will vary significantly depending on where you are in your timeline. The pharmacy experts at EVCOR are prepared to offer this advice no matter what stage you are at. All the while ensuring that our activities integrate with the plans set out by your other advisors. Don’t have an assembled team? We can help you with that to by tapping into our trusted professional network (TPN).

Business Ownership Timeline



Business Valuation

Our team of experienced and knowledgeable business valuation experts will ensure that you get the most accurate, reliable and trustworthy results.


Business Exit Planning

Our team of experienced advisors are committed to helping our clients make well-informed decisions and find the best possible outcome for their business exit strategy.


Value Enhancement

We provide our clients with the essential resources and insights to maximize profitability, built long-term growth and increase business value.


Business Sale Advisory

We are the authoritative source of navigating the complex process of selling a pharmacy business, providing clients with expert guidance and support to maximize their return on investment.

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Determine Your Value
Introduction to Business Valuations
Determine Your Value

Clearly defined methods of how your valuation was conducted and valuation reports that contain the necessary information, not filler. As a result, you gain a deeper understanding of the factors that lead to your profitability. You can then expand on these and increase your profit over time.

Realize Your Value
Planning to Preserve Value and Reduce Tax Burdens
Realize Your Value

It takes a team of advisors to preserve the value you have built in your business. Quite often is the case, that the majority of your wealth is trapped within your company. We work with your advisors and our strategic partners to create a strategic plan to preserve this value in the most efficient and tax-advantageous way.

Price and value
Increasing your sale price through value enhancement
Build Your Value

We feel it is our duty to search for missed opportunities when reviewing your business. Comparisons are made to your peers and potential efficiencies are identified. We also look at other factors and identify solutions that you can easily implement to increase your value and attractiveness to buyers.

Business Handshake
Your Community of Advisors
Confidently Sell Your Business

Understanding your business value is paramount in the business sale process, but it is of little importance if this is not effectively communicated to the market. Additionally, it is critical to understand deal structure and negotiation to translate the value figure on paper to money in the bank.